
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


While you try to cover your face with your hands, I will still see the big lie that will always haunt you in your big step! act quickly before all kill you! and didn't even think I''m really need you !!

who are you ?
I never knew you before! maybe you're someone who is sent from the royal ghost for bother me ?
why choose me ? is there anything wrong in every step of my life?

How is life?
you ask me? I'm not going to answer! until you really tell what's your excuse to come and organize my life! you underestimate my ability? you'd better look in the mirror and see yourself well!

I force !!
I don't care! looking for people who really deserve to you underestimate his abilities! smiled but still stab me! smiled but still stab from my front

I care !
I don't believe it! it was all a cruel hoax right? say it to me!

Maybe ..
I've figured it all! I don't need to see you smile anymore

I apologize !
too late! all had happened! you want the best solution?

May I ?
of course, everyone should get it. but soon backed out of my sight! Can you see reality?

reality is painful, but it's better than continue to go on

Now ?
soon take a decision, and do what I suggested

Thanks !
I do not need what you say

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Aku segera Berkemas

Although I do not know when I will be accepted, but I will soon be ready. Preparing now better than rush

There are many things that are less suitable here, but really, this place is very good and promising us. banyak kenangan manis disini yang coba aku bangun. but, there are some friends who could not be "True Friends" belajar tidak akan efektif jika dilakukan sendiri. Namun kenyataan nya memang tidak ada yang salah, Hanya saja sebagian dari mereka tidak pernah menghargai behkan cenderung meremehkan dan melecehkan kemampuan orang lain. not all, I still have some good friends who are always trying to fill each other, dan orang-orang terbaik ini tidak perlu aku sebutkan disini. Dia memiliki ambisi sama untuk mengikuti jejak rekan-rekan yang telah lebih dulu memilih untuk melepas dan meraih mimpinya di tempat yang mereka inginkan. sometimes it all feels lonely, even though theystrolling in front of me!

I feel sad to see one of my friends who came from outside Indonesia. sometimes he feels everyone always rejected all the arguments he expressed! some do not regard that he was part of a large family of my learning class! as if he lost and wander some where. Tapi aku berharap semoga ia tetap bersemangat untuk menjalani hari-hari nya disini. Sometimes he wants to tell and devote everything he feels. Due to the language factor, some friends a little "lazy" to hear what he say. I hope when I become "International Students" later, all went well, and friends who will I recognize it later, can help each other and work together

This time I was really hoping a miracle that God has given! semoga aku bisa lulus dan menjalani ini sebagai pemberhentian terakhirku untuk mencapai pendidikan ku. Allah, hanya kepadamu aku bermohon, give me a chance and hope that I can pass to experience studying there! I pray that all the necessary documents, will be complete and ready for consideration.

If indeed God allowed me to accept this opportunity, then only a few friends I trust that will share this information.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Menata kembali hidupku yang sepi

Aku sudah selesai, biarlah dia memilih apa yang dia anggap baik untuk dirinya. walaupun sedikit kecewa, tapi aku ngga punya hak samasekali buat ngebatasi ato ngelarang dia buat mencari seseorang yang dia anggap bisa memberikan perlindungan untuk-nya. Aku hanya berdoa, semoga kebahagiaan selalu menghampiri hubungan kalian berdua.

Saatnya menata kembali hidup-ku yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi kacau akibat masalah ini. Kembali melangkah, tanpa harus memikirkan nya lagi. sekarang dia telah sangat aman disana, karena seseorang telah mengambil peran-ku untuk melindunginya. I hope you happiness

Unclear !

Masih belum cukup kah waktu kemarin malam yang aku habiskan untuk menelpon-mu untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini ?
kuhabiskan hingga jam 3 pagi! berharap masalah ini selesai!

Semua bermula karena dirimu ! Kita berada jauh, terpisah antar pulau! kemana janji-mu dulu ? dan sekarang kamu sendiri pergi entah dengan siapa! ini balasan yang kau berikan atas segala dedikasi yang kuberikan Padamu ??

Kau bebas memilih siapa yang menjadi pasangan-mu nanti, bebas untuk melakukan apapun yang kau inginkan, tapi tetap pertahankan Janji yang sudah kita sepakati sebelum aku pergi meninggalkanmu ! tapi semua ini sia-sia, kau tidak bisa memegang janji, ketika aku benar-benar mencari ilmu di pulau ini. semua kekesalan ku ini kucurahkan selalu di dalam blog pribadiku ini! mudah-mudahan kau selalu bahagia dengan pendamping barumu yang mengisi hatimu disana!

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Fill with Tears

I don't even know how to use a parking meter, let alone a phone box

I Can't say anything !!
I'm tired to be like this! make me Insane. I'm really feel that you only use me to get benefits! I need someone to advice me!
Leave me alone! let me stand alone, go it alone! left well alone! I Don't Care !!
do not bother me!

you don't need to say "Sorry" its bullshit !! Liarrrr !!!!!!!!!!!


disappointed ! go ahead! don't show your face with me anymore!

everything is you! I'm tired to saw your behavior! always me given way to you! something happen in your BRAIN !

I'M REALLY HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!